Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Sometimes there's only one thing to hold on to.

-Emily Dickinson
(I desperately tried to find the original source for this image, but couldn't, so here it is on weheartit)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Around about here..

..is where I begin.
To tell you what this is all about.

This is about me and my crazy life. My ideas are sometimes not the most normal, sane, careful and controlled ideas that would make for an ordinary, carefree life.

No. I'm looking for an adventure.

I was promised an abundant life by my creator. And I intend to take Him up on that promise ;D So far it has been quite a ride. I've done many adventurous things, and met a whole lot of incredible people already. One of these things I've already written about (over the last 3 posts) and some of the people who have contributed to making my life incredible I have linked to on the side bar, so you can check out their adventures too :)

So there it is. Welcome to my adventure :)